Saturday, April 30, 2011

Where are they now - 90's Thought Leaders in the Millennium Noughties

In the 1980's writers such as Tom Peters led the management thinking revolution - with Alvin Toffler (Future Shock) & Barry Jones (Sleepers, Wake!) seeing a rapidly changing future.

In the 1990's came globalization & the emerging internet. It was the time of the Cluetrain Manifesto and a fascinating time to be in residential management / leadership programs.

I attended three of these in the 5 years from 1996-2001 when I was part of the BHP Organization. Tim Dalmau was one of the key thought leaders in these programs, along with Phill Boas, Malcolm Davies & Ted Fawle. At these we were challenged to think, and to read from a range of thought leaders venerated during the 1990's - see the table below.

We learned of Jung, Johari Windows, Learning Organizations, MBTI, Optimism, Organizational Culture, Resilience, Reflection and building more effective Teams. It was still an era of ideas mostly presented in books & journal articles - before the arrival of blogs, wiki's & social media like Twitter & LinkedIn. But always there was a business focus - a financial benefits focus beyond the personal learning journeys.

Now other thought leaders & mavens have emerged like :

Many of these draw from the thought leaders of the 80's & 90's - of whom Gary HamelTom Peters & Margaret Wheatley now continue to mix it with blogs, tweets etc.

Two of my favourite thought leaders in 2011 are  Rosabeth Moss Kanter, & also  Beth Kanter, who has been pursuing "social media for social good" in working with non-profits : I am so inspired by Beth Kanter's posts - plus big shout-out thanks to Gautham Ghosh to address my glitch of  mixing links for Beth Kanter & Rosabeth Moss Kanter !

Thought Leaders

DA Aaker - Brand Activism - moreN Adler Connirae Andreas - Neuro Linguistic Programming - Core TransformationsChris Argyris - Double Loop Learning (more) & Organizational LearningChristopher Bartlett - Managing Across Borders- an interview  MNC's updatedGregory Bateson - Systems Theory
& Anthropology
MP Bean
R Beckhard - Organization
Change - Formula
P Berger - Social Structure & RealityKen Blanchard Peter Block - The Empowered Manager - Community, Stewardship & ServiceR Boyatsis - Neuroscience - Emotional Intelligence - Learning Styles - Unleashing the Power of Self-Directed LearningBJ Caldwell J Campbell
Fritjof Capra J Coehn Stephen Covey Tim Dalmau M Davidson GS Day Bill Defoore - Anger Management
& Emotional
A De Geus - ex Shell - The Living CompanyA De Mello P DruckerTrompenaar Fons - 7 Dimensional Model of Culture - Building Cross Cultural CompetenceR Fritz P Gagliardi B Gale
Howard Gardner - Multiple Intelligences - Many Paths to LearningM Gell-Mann Sumantra Ghoshal Thomas Gilmore James GleickJeffrey Goldstein L Goldstein
Daniel Goleman J Grinder C Hampden Turner Gary Hamel Mike Hammer Charles Handy L Harman
Larry Hischhorn M Hitt Geerts Hofstede Elliott Jacques Tad James Joseph Jaworski DL Kauffman
Stuart Kauffman Warren KeeganSam Keen CF Kiefer H Kelman Kevin Kelly Daphne Kingma
Peter Kline Sue Knight JP Kotter Otto Kroeger Gideon Kunda R Lewin BA Lewis
E Lorenz M Louis C Lundberg H Maturana MHB McDonald Hugh McKay Ian Mitroff
Gareth Morgan Rosabeth Moss Kanter EC Nevis John O'Connor Kenichi Ohmae M Parker Loren Pedeson
J Pennings JW Pfeiffer Michael Porter CK Prahalad HR PriesmeyerI Priogogine Naomi Quenk
Alfred Rappaport John Redding J Renesch GP Richardson AK RiceEH Schein Ricardo Semmler
Peter Senge PJH Shoemaker D Stace & D Dunphy Ralph Stacey G StalkMurray Stein T Thwaites
Francisco Varela MM Waldrop John Warfield Margaret Wheatley David Whyte Ken Wilber E Young
GS Yip Connie Zweig

A Maven's Magnet Personal Knowledge Management PKM Thoughts - from The Cluetrain Manifesto : "A powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed. As a direct result, markets are getting smarter—and getting smarter faster than most companies."